Celebrate National Wildlife Day with your Parent

Elder Care in South River NJIf your parent has always loved wildlife, you might have a blast celebrating National Wildlife Day together on Sept 4. This day was created to bring awareness to endangered animals nationally as well as globally. Any animal lovers out there might want to take some time to celebrate all of the wildlife that calls our planet their home. Here are a few ways you can do that with your aging parent if it is a passion of hers or yours.

Visit A Nearby Zoo

Of course, one of the easiest ways to enjoy wildlife is to visit a zoo. With some zoos being quite large, you might want to look into helping your parent traverse all the areas of the zoo by either using a wheelchair or a scooter. If you currently have an elder care provider lined up for your parent, that person may be able to bring your parent to the zoo and push her around in a wheelchair if your schedule doesn’t allow you to be free on Sept 4. An elder care provider can also help with providing a ride if your parent simply needs to be dropped off so she can explore on her own.

Check out the Local Wildlife

If you have a wildlife sanctuary within driving distance, it might be a fun activity to visit and see if you and your aging parent can spot any wildlife out and about. Many of these types of wildlife areas have short walking paths with informational signs along the walk and some even have driving tours so that your parent can just sit back, relax, and enjoy the view. The best time to spot wildlife is when the day begins and the day ends so if you can plan a trip in the early morning or around dusk, your parent will be more likely to spot some of her favorite wildlife, whether that’s deer, some birds, or any other local animals.

Watch some Nature Documentaries

If getting out of the house is not a possibility on September 4, there are many informational wildlife documentaries on cable that your parent can watch and enjoy. Have her elder care provider help her find where and when the shows are on and then enjoy a few hours learning about wildlife all over the globe. Watching shows like this is always more enjoyable when watched together, so make a night of it with some good snacks and drinks to make it seem more celebratory.

Donate to a Wildlife Conservation Fund

Your aging parent may want to take it to the next level, and make a small donation to a Wildlife Conservation Fund. Having someone like yourself or a caregiver like an elder care provider help her research the best organizations will help her make sure her money is being put to good use for an animal or part of the world that she has a heart for.
However you and your parent decide to celebrate National Wildlife Day, have a wild time together!


If you or an aging loved one is considering elder care in South River, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Care Street Home Care today. Call (732) 607-8870.

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