How To Help Seniors Travel Comfortably

Caregivers in Plainsboro NJ

Caregivers in Plainsboro NJ

Seniors can travel comfortably to family events or for fun with caregivers. With a little strategic planning even seniors who have chronic health conditions can have fun travel adventures and enjoy spending time with their family and friends in new places. You don’t need to put off that vacation or send regrets to a family get together. Use these tips to make sure that your senior loved one is comfortable and can travel safely with you or with caregivers:

Book Non-Stop Flights

Whenever possible book flights to be non-stop to your destination or to have as few layovers as possible. Having to worry about flight delays and making connecting flights as well as running through the airport to make a connection on time is not fun for anyone. Especially seniors who may have limited mobility. When you are booking flights use a travel site to compare the flights offered by multiple air carriers to see if you can find one that is non-stop. If you do need to have a layover choose a set of flights that has a long layover so that you won’t be rushing to make your connection.

Don’t Schedule Travel Too Early

It can be tough for seniors to get up and get moving in the mornings. When you are scheduling flights, or excursions, or any kind of activities make sure that you don’t schedule them too early in the morning. Make sure that your senior loved one has time to get up and slowly ease into the day. If that means that you need to spend an extra night traveling or you need to book a hotel for an extra day do that.

Book Wheelchairs And Adaptive Equipment Well In Advance

It’s a good idea for seniors with limited mobility to use wheelchairs or walkers and other adaptive devices to help them avoid falling when traveling. But each airline will have their own set of rules and restrictions when it comes to using that equipment. They may require that you use their equipment which meets their standards. Book any adaptive equipment that your senior will need at the same time that you book your flight. There is usually a limited number of wheelchairs and devices available so to make sure that your loved one gets one you need to book it as early as possible. Caregivers should be allowed to book any equipment that a senior traveling with them will need.

Keep An Emergency Essentials Bag With You

When you’re traveling with a senior you need to expect the unexpected. Turn your carry on bag into an essentials bag so that you’ll be ready for anything. Keep extra bottles of your senior loved one’s medications and over the counter products in there. And put some water and their favorite snacks in there too. An extra set of clothes, a jacket, a hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, extra underwear, and extra socks all should be in the bag. There should also be travel games, a book, and something to play music or videos on along with headphones. That way if there is a delay you will be able to keep your senior loved one fed, warm, and entertained while you wait for the delay to end.

If you or an aging loved one is considering caregivers in Plainsboro, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Care Street Home Care today. Call (732) 607-8870.

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