What Do You Know About Common Geriatric Health Issues?

What Do You Know About Common Geriatric Health Issues?

What Do You Know About Common Geriatric Health Issues?

Seniors who want to age at home generally do well managing their daily routines. As geriatric health issues set in, it can make activities of daily living more of a challenge. Help around the house become necessary.

When your parents want to age at home, you’ll likely be the one supporting them. Check out these common geriatric health issues and what type of care becomes necessary over time.

Alzheimer’s Disease

The CDC estimates that the annual cost of Alzheimer’s care in 2010 averaged $187 billion in the United States. By 2040, it’s estimated that that cost may be as high as $500 billion. Alzheimer’s disease is estimated to affect around 5.9 million men and women and that number keeps increasing. The odds of Alzheimer’s impacting your family is high.

Maybe you’ve seen other families dealing with Alzheimer’s. Perhaps a grandparent, aunt, or uncle has been diagnosed and is currently in one of the many stages. That alone is not enough to really prepare you for the struggles your mom or dad will face. Every patient is different and progresses differently.

Your parent may wander in the mid-stages of Alzheimer’s, but some patients never do. Your parent may be very combative, but it’s not always the case. It is likely that you’ll be cooking meals, offering medication reminders, and driving your mom or dad to stores, appointments, and businesses.


Generally, arthritis is painful and limits mobility at times, but it’s not the worst of the chronic conditions affecting the elderly. Gout is probably one of the harder ones for a parent to handle as it can make it impossible to walk around if it settles in the big toe.

When arthritis is present, your parent may need help tracking when the last dose of a pain reliever was. They may need help with cleaning if standing is a problem. If it makes it hard to turn the neck or back, it’s better to take over driving as your parent may struggle to check blind spots.


The number of people with diabetes is rapidly increasing. According to the American Diabetes Association, around 12 million men and women over the age of 65 have diabetes. It’s important that diet and exercise are followed. Caregivers can help cook meals and keep seniors active.

Another part of diabetes care that is important is monitoring blood sugar levels. Family or professional caregivers can help with reminders. They can also alert medical professionals if something is wrong. Finally, they can schedule foot care appointments and make sure that your parent is checking the feet for sores and other problems that are common with diabetes.

You may provide the care your parents need, but are you at risk of burning out? Senior care services allow you to take breaks for your physical and mental health when needed. Call a senior care agency to discuss your parents’ health and the services they need.


If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in South River, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Care Street Home Care Serving Somerset and Middlesex/Union Counties today. Call (732) 607-8870.

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