Easy-to-Grow Flowers That Brighten Your Mom’s Patio

Your senior mom may be a gardener or simply enjoys sitting in the sun to get some vitamin D. With a cheery, bright patio, she’ll be uplifted and want to be outside as much as possible. Here are some easy-to-grow flowers to consider planting around her patio.

Bells of Ireland

Plant Bells of Ireland from seed or starter plants. The seeds don’t need to be planted too deep in order to grow well. Your mom will love the unique lime green color. The plants have spikes covered from top to bottom in bell-shaped flowers similar to foxglove.

Pair Bells of Ireland with bright blue flowers like forget-me-nots for a blue and green flower garden that catches the eye. If you want to speed up germination, place the seeds on wet paper towels and refrigerate them for two weeks before planting.


Purchase lavender plants and plant those. Soon, they’ll bush out and provide the spiky purple flowers. Both the flowers and the leaves smell wonderful.

As an added benefit, your mom can dry the leaves and flowers for potpourri sachets, teas, and baking. Lavender is the main herb in the French seasoning mix called Herbes de Provence. It’s also an intriguing addition to sugar cookies and shortbread.


Towering lupines sow seeds year after year. Once they’re established, you’ll have their vivid color filling your garden. Butterflies love the spires of bright blue flowers. Consider pairing them with Bells of Ireland.


One of the easiest flowers to grow are bright yellow, red, or gold marigolds. They can grow several feet in height if you’re not selective and go for the more compact variety.

Pick off the dead flowers all summer long for continual blooms. If you dry the dead flowers out, you’ll end up with seeds for next year.

Moss Rose

The spiky leaves of moss rose are unique, but the flowers are the real reason to add this plant to patio gardens. Flowers look a little like roses and come in several colors including orange, pink, white, and yellow.

One of the benefits to moss rose is that the plant doesn’t get stressed if it’s been dry. Moss rose tolerates drought-like conditions well.

Don’t worry about your mom being outside too much. If she tends to lose track of time, it’s a good time to consider home care services. Talk to your mom about the benefits of home care. She’ll have a companion. She has someone to remind her when she needs to have another glass of water or reapply sunscreen. Call a local agency to learn more.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Hamilton, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Care Street Home Care today. Call (732) 607-8870.

Care Street Home Care Staff