Is In-Home Care What Your Elderly Loved One Needs?

If your elderly loved one needs extra care and you can’t provide it for them, you might have considered in-home care. However, you may also want to know whether home care providers are the right people to care for your loved one. There are many reasons why elderly people can benefit from having in-home care. Keep reading to find out why this type of care might be best for your elderly loved one.

Less Agitation

If your elderly loved one has dementia, high levels of stress, or another health condition that causes increased agitation, it is important to help them with it. If you hire home care providers to care for your loved one, they can help to reduce the agitation that is experienced. In-home caregivers are trained to create a calming and reassuring environment. Elderly people who are in this type of environment are less likely to be agitated. If they do become agitated, the home care provider is trained to diffuse the situation as quickly as possible.

Fewer Infections

Elderly people are often at a higher risk of developing certain infections than younger people. One of the types of infections that are more common in the elderly is urinary tract infections. However, if your elderly loved one is receiving in-home care, the home care providers can encourage your elderly loved one to go to the bathroom often, hydrate, and take other infection prevention measures. They are also able to recognize if your elderly loved one is acting differently. For instance, if your loved one starts experiencing certain behavioral, physical, or mental changes, it could indicate a urinary tract infection. Catching an infection earlier on can help to prevent more serious issues from occurring.

Less Chance of Falling

Too many elderly people fall in their home every year. If you want to help prevent your elderly loved one from having a fall, you can hire home care providers to be there with your loved one. They can help your loved one get out of their bed, get up from the couch, and get out of the bathtub. These are areas where elderly people are more likely to fall. In addition, if your elderly loved one does fall, it is best to have someone there to take care of them.


There are many ways that in-home care can meet the needs of your elderly loved one. If you choose to hire home care providers, they can be at your loved one’s home as much as is needed. The home care providers can also be there if your elderly loved one asks for anything or experiences any health issues that need immediate attention.


If you or an aging loved one is considering home care in Old Bridge, NJ, please contact the caring staff at Care Street Home Care today. Call (732) 607-8870.

Care Street Home Care Staff